4 Reasons To Be Honest With Your Therapist About An Eating Disorder
Dealing with an eating disorder is no joke. It is a serious condition, and the sad fact is that it is often fatal. The good news is that it is treatable, and you can recover from an eating disorder. Lady Gaga, Tracey Gold, and Demi Lovato are just a few of the celebrities who are thriving after battling a life-threatening eating disorder.
Going to therapy can be one of the best things you do to start down the path to recovery from an eating disorder. You can, too. Here are reasons why it is important to be honest with your counselor about disordered eating.
Reason #1: Your Counselor Is on Your Side
Your therapist is not going to be angry at you for having an eating disorder. They're not going to be frustrated or disappointed. Therapy is a safe place where you can speak and live your truth. By opening up about your eating disorder, you are empowering yourself, and you are also helping your therapist to better help you overcome the problem.
Reason #2: You Can Be Empowered by Facing the Truth
When you talk about your eating disorder in therapy, your counselor can help you face the truth about the condition. They can also help you figure out how you can deal with the reality of the situation. You may feel overwhelmed, but your therapist can help you see things as they are.
Reason #3: Your Therapist Can Help You with Resources
When you talk to your therapist about your exact problem with eating, they can help you find resources for healing. They may recommend 12-step groups or other support groups where you can get free help from those who are thriving in recovery, and they may also recommend books and other resources, such as companies like Rooted in Recovery Counseling & Coaching, LLC.
Reason #4: You Can Identify Underlying Causes
Eating disorders don't just pop up out of the blue one day. Having an eating disorder is extremely complex, and a therapist can help you dig deep and get to the core of the things that led you down the path to disordered eating. It's not about placing blame. Instead, the therapist can help you identify problematic behaviors and let go of the ones that are no longer serving you.
Finally, keep in mind that eating disorder treatment needs to be multi-faceted. Therapy is an essential part of healing, and your counselor can help you overcome disordered eating. There is hope, and a life in recovery is possible.