Substance abuse is a crisis that rarely comes out of nowhere. Often, teenagers face a trigger that prompts them to turn to drugs or alcohol. If your teen has made this wrong turn, you must get your child professional treatment. However, it's equally important to do your research on why your child might have turned to substance abuse. Learn about some of the common triggers teenagers face and how you can combat them.
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Recovering from alcoholism is a challenging and very personal journey. Some people choose to embark on this journey alone, while others do so with the help of group therapy and 12-step programs. Regardless of which approach you choose, it's also helpful to see a therapist or counselor individually during this challenging time. Here's why.
A therapist listens without asking anything of you.
Support groups can be great. You get to talk about your problems while others listen, and then you reciprocate and listen while they talk about their problems.
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If you are an adult living with ADHD who doesn't want to take prescription medications, then you are certainly not alone. With today's rising healthcare costs and employer drug testing, many adults with ADHD search for non-medication ways to help control their condition.
Over the last couple of decades, there has been a lot of medical research into the causes of ADHD and how it should best be managed. Though for some people medication is going to be the best option, the following alternative ADHD treatments have also shown to be effective:
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If you struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult to imagine ever reaching a point where addiction does not control everything in your life. While addiction can seem like it takes over your entire universe when you are in the midst of an active addiction, you do not have to be stuck in that pattern forever; there is a way out.Substance abuse treatment can help you to break free from a drug or alcohol abuse problem.
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Your marriage is sacred, and you vowed to love your spouse through the good times as well as the bad. While you knew that every marriage weathers a few storms, you might not have ever imagined that you would be staring at such a major deception. Unfortunately, things that one person wants to keep hidden are often revealed, and your partner's decision to hide a bank account represents a breach of trust in your relationship.
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